Writing, performing and recording their own compositions, our local musicians face a constant struggle to get their music "out there" for all to enjoy. They end up spending weeks or months on the road performing at small venues in the hopes of reaching a broad spectrum of listeners.
If you don't have a record deal it can be almost impossible to distribute music through traditional media outlets. Even having a deal is no guarantee and often includes restrictions that most would find unacceptible.
Fortunately today we have Myspace, Facebook, YouTube, CD-Baby and a host of other services to help get the artists' voices heard. The Indy music scene is more healthy today than it ever was.
So how can I help my local musicians? I'm not a record company, I have no affiliations with the radio stations, what can one person do anyway?
In my small way I promote these artists through word of mouth, email, passing links, posting favorites and most of all Actually Paying them for their music!
I encourage anyone who actually gets this far through my website to consider supporting their local musicians by attending their concerts (usually small intimate venues with cover charges under $20), visit their websites, purchase their music and tell your friends about them.
The links below are musicians/groups whom I know personally and who's musical creativity and integrity I admire and support.